Can skin ever be too clean?

Washing your face can feel like a real chore. It takes time, effort, and money. Who has any of those things in the modern age.

But not washing it regularly — or even washing it too often — can cause a whole host of skin problems.

Here’s the lowdown on when you should be doing it and what you should be using.

Generally speaking, how often should you wash your face?

Every person should wash their face 2-3 times a day, preferably once in the morning and once at night. A third wash can generally be reserved for sweaty or heavy makeup occasions.

If you can only commit to a wash once daily, do it before you go to bed. This will help remove grime and oil that’s built up over the course of the day, along with things like makeup.

How often should you wash if you have dry or sensitive skin?

Though generally recommended, washing the face twice a day may prove to be irritating for sensitive or dry skin types. If this happens to be you, cleanse properly at night using a gentle formula and simply rinse with warm water in the morning.

Hydrating cleansers are a good option for people with dry skin, as these products typically don’t lather and help moisturize while they cleanse the skin. Oil-based cleansers or ones with thicker consistencies can also prove beneficial.

How often should you wash if you have oily or acne-prone skin?

The urge to overcleanse is common in those with oily or acne-prone skin. But really there’s no need to wash the face more than twice a day. Doing so can dry out your skin, no matter your predisposition.

When skin dries out, it does whatever it needs to do to regain moisture. This includes making its sebum production work in overdrive, causing more oil and more acne than there was originally.

For people with this skin type, we suggest a cleanser containing hydroxy acids to remove excess oil. Medicated cleansers are another good option.

How often should you wash if you have combination skin?

Combo skin types can be a little trickier.

It’s still advisable to wash twice a day and use a gentle formula that removes impurities, deep cleans pores, helps remove makeup, and leaves the skin feeling refreshed, clean, and hydrated.

You should also look at foaming cleansers, which can remove oil and aren’t too harsh on dry patches.

How often should you wash if you wear makeup?

Makeup can clog pores if not properly removed, causing breakouts. Makeup wearers should wash their face in the morning followed by a more thorough cleanse at night.

Either remove makeup before using a cleanser or double cleanse to ensure all traces are gone. An oil-based or balm cleanser can provide a clean, nonirritating feel.

How often should you wash if you exercise?

Any activity that involves sweating requires an extra wash to remove said sweat and dirt.

If you’re out and about and don’t have a cleanser to hand, try oil-free wipes.

What water should you use to cleanse?

If your skin has no special requirements and you don’t wear makeup or routinely sweat, you may get away with a good, old-fashioned splash of water morning and night. Just make it lukewarm — not boiling hot or freezing cold.

Everyones skin is different, so you should use a cleanser that works for you. There are creams, lotions, gels, wipes, balms, and more.

Another note is that everyone, especially those with sensitive skin, should avoid products containing potentially irritating ingredients like fragrance or alcohol.

What could happen if you over- or under-wash?

A sign that you’re not properly washing is residue being left on your bedding. Alternatively, wipe your face with a damp, light-colored flannel. If dirty marks appear, better washing is in order.

If you don’t cleanse your face properly, it can result in pore clogging, which can lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and fiercer acne breakouts. It’s also likely to limit the effectiveness of any skin care products you use.

That said, it is possible to wash too much. Irritation, tightness, or dryness is a classic sign of over cleansing.

Oiliness can also result as the skin tries to compensate for the drying. Again, this can cause pore clogging and may lead to sensitivity that calls for an extra gentle routine.


Water Health


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